How can I rotate in relation to player?

I know there are plenty of topics on this, however I’m either misunderstanding something, or they don’t apply to my system.
I’m creating a Sickle system, where the arm smoothly follows and swings based off of mouse movements, and it’s been going well however I’m now stuck on rotating the arm properly independent of player rotation, Here is an example of it currently. It works properly when facing -Z, however as soon as you turn, it doesn’t work anymore.

This is my code currently, all that needs to be focused on is SwipeDirection to the Shoulder/Elbow Angle CFrame, as the rest is just inverse kinematics and as far as I believe, it doesn’t have an effect on the issue at hand (Correct me if I’m wrong please and thank you)

self.Connections.Hand = RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function()
	local Target = CFrame.lookAt(
		self.RightArm.RightShoulderAttachment.WorldCFrame.Position, self.Mouse.Hit.Position)
	Target = Target + Target.LookVector*4

	if not self.LastTarget then self.LastTarget = Target end

	--> Inverse Kinematics
	local OriginCF = self.Torso.CFrame*self.C0s["Right Shoulder"]
	local C1Off = self.C1s["Right Shoulder"]
	local PlaneCF,ShoulderAngle,ElbowAngle, l3 = SolveIK(OriginCF, Target.Position, self.UpperArmLength, self.LowerArmLength, C1Off)

	local SwipeDirection = (self.LastTarget.Position-Target.Position).Unit
	if SwipeDirection.X ~= SwipeDirection.X then 
		SwipeDirection = --> Avoid NaN
	if self.Cumlative > 0.02 then
		self.Cumlative = math.clamp(self.Cumlative+.01, -math.huge, 0)
		self.Cumlative += SwipeDirection.X+self.Cumlative
	elseif self.Cumlative < 0.02 then
		self.Cumlative = math.clamp(self.Cumlative-.01, 0, math.huge)
		self.Cumlative += SwipeDirection.X-self.Cumlative
		self.Cumlative = 0 
		self.Cumlative += SwipeDirection.X
	local ShoulderAngleCFrame, ElbowAngleCFrame = CFrame.Angles(ShoulderAngle, -math.rad(self.Cumlative*90), 0), CFrame.Angles(ElbowAngle, 0, 0)

	local ShoulderCF = PlaneCF * ShoulderAngleCFrame*,-self.UpperArmLength * 0.5,0)
	local ElbowCF: CFrame = ShoulderCF*,-self.UpperArmLength * 0.5,0)* ElbowAngleCFrame *, -self.LowerArmLength*0.5, 0)*,(self.Character['Right Arm'].Size.Y-self.LowerArmLength)*0.5,0)
	self.Motor6Ds["Right Shoulder"].C0 = WorldCFrameToC0ObjectSpace(self.Motor6Ds["Right Shoulder"], ElbowCF)
	self.LastTarget = Target	

I’ve tried converting it into world space, object space (Though I believe this does nothing?), object into world, world into object, but none of them have worked.
I believe that the issue arises in the SwipeDirection, but I have no idea how to fix that :frowning: If anybody has any ideas or fixes I’d be so so so so grateful if you could share them

Also, if anybody has any idea on how I could smooth out / dampen the arm swing that would be greatly appreciated because I’ve also been trying to smooth that out kthxbai

Only gonna bump this once, if anybody could help I would appreciate it so much :pray:t2: