Hi developers! I’m still trying to solve my problem in about 3 days and still nothing, even if i searched on webs. I’m working on a wall run system and I’ve tried using Player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Orientation = part.Orientation. Here is the result…
Exactly this! Do you have any idea? Because when i just write Player.Character.Root.Orientaion = part.Orientation it runs like in the image i posted before, but in another direction. In the image i posted is just an example…
hmmm. It says Unable to cast Vector3 to CoordonateCFrame. Here is how I used it workspace.Zacus57:PivotTo(workspace.Zacus57.HumanoidRootPart.Position, workspace.Part.Orientation)
I tried this with wall and a part and the same thing. But what if I stop trying math and just insert an instance part that will be rotated with the wall, and the set player position with the part like this: