How can I run ROBLOX on a VM

Hey all,

I am trying to run ROBLOX on a VM (Hyper-V). However, it seems to crash every time I try to launch the client. Is there any way to fix these crashes?


You are unable to run roblox on VM’s now. One thing I was able to get working was something called Remote Desktop Protocol however it was not as good as using a VM.


Have you tried enabling Hyper-V on the guest virtual machine as well? That worked for me a while ago when Hyperion was rolling out.


How can I do that? Windows on the guest VM throws a error every time I try to install Hyper - V


Do you have nested virtualization enabled? Running Hyper-V in Hyper-V is supported by Microsoft.


Yes, I enabled it but was still showing an error for enabling HyperV in the Guest VM. I am currently reinstalling Windows to see if it fixes the issue.

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The web client detects “Unauthorized 3rd party app detected” but the UWP app seems to work. Is it possible to make the web client work / Increase FPS on the UWP app? I’m getting like 3 FPS but anyways thanks.

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Are you passing through a graphics card through Hyper-V? Otherwise, you are not going to get good performance.

Oof. They may be cracking down on virtual machines more. You could try “VM hardening” to avoid detection, but you are fighting Hyperion at that point. Hyperion is not something I would pick a fight with.

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Hmm… How can I pass through a GPU in HyperV? There is no option in the settings for that.

This does not work for me anymore, Roblox seems to have patched this in their latest update. Do you have any more methods to run ROBLOX on a VM?