How can I save my published game in rbxlx format

I have a problem with my published game where a local script stopped working (reported in another post) where a cause was not found so have gone back through my history to find a version where that problem does not exist. I have succeeded in that step and now faced with redoing the work done since that version and would like to compare the games.
The working version of the game (unpublished) has the option to save to a rbxlx format but the published one does not.
Is there any way to get the published game into rbxlx format?


It seems like a lot of work to go back and do all that instead of just removing the local script, as a future reference I suggest using:

Packages (click here for more information), Team Create, and Auto-saves/Backing up important updates beforehand and after via RBXL (Binary) or RBXLX (XML) formats.

Solving your problem:

Simply go to your published game in Roblox Studio, hit “Download a copy” > (REFER TO IMAGE BELOW)

Follow steps as so:

  1. Locate; “Save as type:”
  2. Click the drop down menu and select .rbxlx
  3. Name the file
  4. Save

And boom, it’s done!

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I did not notice that as my DownLoad a copy was greyed out which I did not notice.
It was greyed out because I did not have the view visible.
Thank you.

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Of course you’re welcome, if you can could you mark my reply as the solution for future developers who may stumble across the thread?