Im planing on selling some beams to my tech group but i want a way to make it so that no one can leak them does anyone know how to script something like this?
What do you mean by this?
i need a way to make my beams so that only if i give them permissions they will work basically
You can’t really protect 3D built assets.
is it not possible to like only load the scripts if they have permissions
You can’t really protect any 3D asset from being stolen. The only way to do so is by permanently storing it in ServerStorage, or any way for the client to not see it. Keep in mind this isn’t a roblox issue, but is something that happens to all developers.
What I would do if I were you is record Videos of your tech, take screenshots, etc. if you don’t want people to steal it.
It is possible, you will probably need an API to check if the user has the license to use the product or no. I’ve seen it being used many times. I haven’t really looked deep into it tho. Some tech groups in Ro-Aviation uses this method to prevent leaking.
cool thx for the help i have found some methods on this on yt aswell
Hello, just asking, do you still need it. I found a company that sells this whitelist system, as well as a purchasing hub. It’s 400 robux comes with whitelist (To make sure that the game owner has a license), etc. You can also give licenses to user.
no i found a free way but thx anyways
You cannot protect an asset in workspace. No whitelist hub will solve this for you.
but i was able to whitelist the model
Can you show an example of this?
i dont think people understand what i mean by beams
Do you mean the actual class Beam?
Well actually, some group that sells asset uses this. They store the license in a database, then the script checks the database if the game owner owns that asset. If not, the model will be deleted. This of course uses HTTPService, if it is disabled it will delete itself.
Can’t someone just delete the script?
I mean like the type used in stage lighting that move around and stuff and it only loads the scripts if they are whitelisted