Hello, I just faced a problem and I don’t know how to solve it…
Basically I need this ground arrow targeter (made with decals) to be seen even when it’s inside of a wall. For some reason using the ZIndex won’t make them show, the walls currently uses a simple texture on decals, but it does the same on a wall without the decals and 0 Transparency. It’s the same on the decals of the abilities targeters as I show in the video.
I need this to have better visuals on targeters and deployables usage.
So… any ideas how to solve this? or if u have any other idea to better aproach to this visual mechanic?
This was almost the solution, the BillboardGui was rotating the image and scaling it up when I was moving the camera, so instead I tried the SurfaceGui with an ImageLabel in it and it worked perfectly!
Billboard image does rotate, but FYI for your future uses - using the first number in the Udim2 size of the BillboardGui sets the size in studs, which makes it appear smaller when further away. Unlike a SurfaceGui where it sets size as a percent of your screen.