How Can I Send over 100 Badge Requests At once?

You are probably aware of “Find The _” games and if you do you probably know that the games load over 100 badges at once when the player joins. The reason why we have to load a lot of badges at once (depending on how many items you can collect) is because the player needs to know what items they found, and what items they haven’t found yet.

The issue is that Roblox caps the amount of BadgeService calls to 100 every minute per player. And that forced me to make my badges load slowly. This causes frustration in the players and it makes them dislike the game and also in some cases never play again. I know it is possible to load over 100 badges within a few seconds because “Find The Markers” has 197 items to find currently, and it loads them perfectly as soon as you join.

I am not sure how to fix this issue, but if you know a solution please reply, I want my game to be fun and calming, not rage-inducing or annoying.

My game link: 🪐SPACE! Find The Erasers (157) - Roblox

Thank you for reading,

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That is not possible since the Roblox Servers are blocking your requests when you send too much. It is an rate limit you cannot avoid.

You need more website to create more badges at once, but once you created from 5 to 15 badges (From 500 to 1.5k robux) then wait some time…

But if it won’t let you create more badges at the next day, then you spammed too much in 1 day the last day…

Im talking about using HasBadge: not creating badges, sorry if I was confusing.

I found a post before, but I cannot find it right now for some reason. They basically bunched up like 30 requests into one request making it 30x faster. I am not sure how to do this tho.

Probably they are using DataStores instead of BadgeService. To test this, get 1 easiest badge, then delete it from your inventory. And after look - does it disappear in the game? If not - they are using DataStore, if yes - something else.


I will try this out, and I will tell you what it is.

Yeah it turns out that it is a datastore, now I just need to figure out how to create the datastore without lagging the game.

you can just store the badges in a table array. in each key, so it wont exhaust datastore getting multiple keys.

Use some httpservice thing with rprxy, and combine that with datastores and stuff. This would only work out if the user has a public inventory, but you could sort it out (with a message or an alternative if their inventory is private)

it would be really nice if roblox added something like BadgeService:GetBadgesOwnerInBulkAsync, but this is all you can do for now.