Hello everyone. I would really like to simplify and streamline the code I have written for my XP/stats system. Currently, it seems quite redundant but I’m not sure of any way to simplify this code. Does anybody know a way to simplify this or make it more concise? Thanks.
FYI, this is for a minigames style of a game with a hub place and other places for the minigames.
“downfall” is just the name of a minigame within my game.
function loadData(plr)
local key = plr.UserId .. "_stats"
local success, result = pcall(function()
return data:GetAsync(key)
if success and result then
plr.Stats.Level.Value = result[1]
plr.Stats.XP.Value = result[2]
plr.Stats.Time.Value = result[3]
plr.Stats.Games.Value = result[4]
plr.Stats.Wins.Value = result[5]
plr.Stats.WinStreak.Value = result[6]
plr.Stats.Login.Value = result[7]
plr.Stats.LoginStreak.Value = result[8]
plr.Stats.Coins.Value = result[9]
plr.leaderstats.Level.Value = result[1]
plr.leaderstats["Win Streak"].Value = result[6]
plr.leaderstats.Wins.Value = result[5]
plr.Stats.Downfall.Time.Value = result[10]
plr.Stats.Downfall.Games.Value = result[11]
plr.Stats.Downfall.Wins.Value = result [12]
plr.Stats.Downfall.WinStreak.Value = result[13]
function onPlayerAdded(plr)
local player = plr
repeat task.wait() until player.Character
local humanoid = player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
repeat task.wait()
until humanoid.Health == 0
local folder = Instance.new("Folder")
folder.Name = "Stats"
folder.Parent = plr
--general stats
local levelVal = Instance.new("IntValue")
levelVal.Name = "Level"
levelVal.Value = 1
levelVal.Parent = folder
local xpVal = Instance.new("IntValue")
xpVal.Name = "XP"
xpVal.Value = 0
xpVal.Parent = folder
local timeVal = Instance.new("IntValue")
timeVal.Name = "Time"
xpVal.Value = 0
timeVal.Parent = folder
local gamesVal = Instance.new("IntValue")
gamesVal.Name = "Games"
gamesVal.Value = 0
gamesVal.Parent = folder
local winsVal = Instance.new("IntValue")
winsVal.Name = "Wins"
winsVal.Value = 0
winsVal.Parent = folder
local winStreakVal = Instance.new("IntValue")
winStreakVal.Name = "WinStreak"
winStreakVal.Value = 0
winStreakVal.Parent = folder
local loginVal = Instance.new("IntValue")
loginVal.Name = "Login"
loginVal.Value = 0
loginVal.Parent = folder
local loginStreakVal = Instance.new("IntValue")
loginStreakVal.Name = "LoginStreak"
loginStreakVal.Value = 0
loginStreakVal.Parent = folder
local coinsVal = Instance.new("IntValue")
coinsVal.Name = "Coins"
coinsVal.Value = 0
coinsVal.Parent = folder
--leaderboard-displayed stats
local leaderstats = Instance.new("Folder")
leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats"
leaderstats.Parent = plr
local leaderLevel = Instance.new("IntValue")
leaderLevel.Name = "Level"
leaderLevel.Value = 1
leaderLevel.Parent = leaderstats
local leaderStreak = Instance.new("IntValue")
leaderStreak.Name = "Win Streak"
leaderStreak.Value = 0
leaderStreak.Parent = leaderstats
local leaderWins = Instance.new("IntValue")
leaderWins.Name = "Wins"
leaderWins.Value = 0
leaderWins.Parent = leaderstats
--downfall stats
local downfall = Instance.new("Folder")
downfall.Name = "Downfall"
downfall.Parent = folder
local downfallTimeVal = Instance.new("IntValue")
downfallTimeVal.Name = "Time"
downfallTimeVal.Value = 0
downfallTimeVal.Parent = downfall
local downfallGamesVal = Instance.new("IntValue")
downfallGamesVal.Name = "Games"
downfallGamesVal.Value = 0
downfallGamesVal.Parent = downfall
local downfallWinsVal = Instance.new("IntValue")
downfallWinsVal.Name = "Wins"
downfallWinsVal.Value = 0
downfallWinsVal.Parent = downfall
local downfallStreakVal = Instance.new("IntValue")
downfallStreakVal.Name = "WinStreak"
downfallStreakVal.Value = 0
downfallStreakVal.Parent = downfall
local levelUpXP = math.floor(levelVal.Value ^ 1.5 * 500)
if xpVal.Value >= levelUpXP then
levelVal.Value += 1