How can I solve this GUI problem?

In the video, when I created a Frame and centered it manually, it was clearly centered. But when I select other devices, it doesn’t stay in the right position as I want. Regardless of position or size, it is Scale or has the addition of UIAspectRatioConstraint.

Normally, I will turn off all tabs (Explorer, Properties, Ribbon,…) to maximize space. Or I will change to another device in the Test Tab, specifically AverageLaptop. Then my GUI can be in almost the desired position.

The problem is that I need it to be in the correct position and size when Tabs are enabled, and not need to change to AverageLaptop or anything. Is there any way to fix this problem? (In any position and any size as I desire when tabs are enabled, or to optimize display space). Thank you

Ok what is the anchorPoint set to? Try setting it to (0.5,0.5) and we’ll see what happens.

Could I also have a screenshot of the workspace for your GUI, along with the properties of the GUI and the frame?

Thank you. The problem was solved when I set the anchor point to (0.5, 0.5). Also let me ask, do I need to set all children/ descendants with that anchor point too?

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Hmm I dont know, you might want to, basically how the anchor point works, is so you know how models their position is the center of the model, well thats basically what anchor point is, setting it to (0.5,0.5) means that the the position is at the very center of it, and also that means when said thing scales it will scale outward from that point.

So I think its really up to preference

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