How CAN I solve this problem?

Hello everyone
So I was testing my game and I have a part with a script and a click detector on it. On the script I have a simple system that when you click that part, a GUI (that is a shop) opens, and when you clcik a textbutton, it close. The problem here is that most of the times when you click it, it doen’s work. Here I put the scripts

-Part Script(the one to open the GUI)(is a normal script)

  player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui").WorkshopGUI.Frame.Visible = true

-Close GUI Button Script(is a local script)

script.Parent.Parent.Visible = false

Thank you for spending your time trying to fix my problem

A server script cannot access the players PlayerGui, you would need to put the first script in a localscript or use a RemoteEvent to tell a localscript to show the frame.


If you want to avoid remote events, you should just move the whole system to the client side (i.e Local Scripts)

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So what should I change? The local script or the script? and I wnat that GUI to open on the client not on on the server.

detect the MouseClick event on a local script, then change the visibility of the Frame on the same script. The local script can go in StarterPlayerScripts

So I Change the script to the local script and I change the MouseClick to what? with the script I mean the script that opens the GUI

(Example, this would go in the localscript)

local ClickDetector = nil -- put clickdetector location here
local Frame = nil -- put frame location here
local CloseButton = nil -- put close button location here
	Frame.Visible = true
	Frame.Visible = false

Instead of nil I put the location or what?

Don’t change the MouseClick, its already set up. But instead of recieving the Player who clicked and then toggling that players gui, just toggle the game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayers gui

for each variable replace the nil with the location of the object


Ok I will try what you are saying and I will tell you if that worked

It didin’t worked
I placed this part of the script:

local ClickDetector = nil -- put clickdetector location here
local Frame = nil -- put frame location here
local CloseButton = nil -- put close button location here
	Frame.Visible = true

on this script you see here

and I placed this other part of the script:

local ClickDetector = nil -- put clickdetector location here
local Frame = nil -- put frame location here
local CloseButton = nil -- put close button location here
	Frame.Visible = false

on that local script you see here

I change the locations as you said and nothing changed

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It only needs to go in the localscript, also, did you change the values to the parts location?

But if I put all that sfuff on the local script (THAT IS THE CLOSE BUTTON LOCAL SCRIPT), what should I put on the script of the part?

The script in the part is not necessary.

Ok im trying it and I tell you if it worked or not

I did everything as you told me, deleting the script on the part, and pasting the script that you wrote me on the close button script and anything changes, should I do the remote events way, and if I do, How should I o it?

Did you change the locations (nil) to the locations of the objects in your game?

of course, but nothing happend

Are you sure that all the values and locations are changed to the correct values?
I tried this on my computer and it worked perfectly.
proof: robloxapp-20200703-2148362.wmv (458.5 KB)

Edit: could you upload the modified version of the localscript? (the script in your close button)