How can I sort a friend list of ID, data pairs in ABC order?

I made a function that returns player’s friends’ data dictionary table.
the table looks like(for example:
[123456] = { [“DisplayName”] = “Alpha”, [“Username”] = “alpha123” … }
[789012] = { [“DisplayName”] = “Beta”, [“Username”] = “beta_456” … }

And I want to sort them in ABC order, based on the player’s DisplayName.

any answer thank you so much!

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This is a very simple fix I think
Make a template frame and a scrolling and use a list layout it sorts alphabetically so just name the frames the players name. If your trying to make it a gui


I recommand making the userid the display name or username of the player. In that case we can do this:

local tbl = {
	["Beta"] = { 
	["Alpha"] = {

table.sort(tbl, function(tableName1, tableName2)
	return string.lower(tableName1) < string.lower(tableName2)

for i, v in tbl do

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I thinked about this problem and realized: Cannot sort a Dictionary table itself. only Arrays can be sorted! It was silly of me to try to sort a dictionary table.
Even more if value is another dictionary table.

Yes I forgot that i don’t need to sort in table because it will only used to make friend list gui.

This can also be a solution!

so I just set UIListlayout.SortOrder to Name.
cannot sort dictionary table.

  • If you really need to sort(by abc order) friend data dictionary,
    transform dictionary table to array and try table.sort, try table.sort
local friendsDict = {} --{[ID] = {datas...}}
local friendsArray = {}

for id, friendDatas in pairs(friendsDict) do 
    friendDatas["ID"] = id--if there is no userID in friendDatas, add
    table.insert(friendsArray, friendDatas)--insert every friend data to array

table.sort(friendArray, function(a, b)
    return string.upper(a.Displayname) < string.upper(b.Displayname) --uppercase each displayname and compare it
--may contain some errors, I was half asleep

Sorry for replying late, translating took long time.
Thank you for help me!

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