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I have an table of cutscene parts and each one is called, 1,2,3,etc. in order they go, I am trying to get a table of them all and sort them so I can loop threw them and tween them to each, how do I do this?
What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
Everything I have tried doesn’t work.
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Yes, I couldn’t figure out how to use table.sort for it so would be nice for someone to explain it
you use table.sort() I think you pass an array and it sorts the elements in number order (if they are numbers) or you can pass a function and sort it. Idk I never used it or just sort the manually by iterating through them.
table.sort() passes two arguments to the function you provide, if you did. I’ll call these arguments a and b. If the function returns true, element a will go before element b in the table. So you can do something like this;
function sort(a, b)
return tonumber(a.Name) < tonumber(b.Name);
local tableToSort = {};
table.sort(tableToSort, sort);
If you want to to sort from greatest to least, you can use a > instead of a <.