Basically, say I have a player who’s R15. How can I create a clone that’s R6?
Hi, what is your purpose for doing so?
Technical limitation
But that’s irrelevant, the fact is it has to R6
You could always go into game settings, and toggle so that all characters automatically will be R6
Edit: A alternative solution would be to load their HumanoidDescription onto a blank R6 character.
Maybe try cloning a R6 dummy, and loading the player’s appearance on that character.
local player -- fill in here
local dummy = game.ReplicatedStorage.R6Dummy:Clone()
-- Line above could possibly error if description fails to load
That nearly worked, except the accessories did this
Is your purpose to have all player characters spawn as R6?
No, I need a clone of the player that’s R6, but I don’t wanna disable R15 avatars
Try putting the character in the workspace before the humanoid description is applied? (You should hide the character by putting it low under the map, or super high, so people won’t be able to see it before it’s loaded.)
I did
That’s how I made that
I used the command thing
But it’s a server script that you should be using, not the command bar.
If you use the command bar, then you can just get the plugin Character Inserter, and select R6 when you import.
No though
It has to happen while the server is running as I’m making the clones based on other players in the server
R6 Converter - Roblox Use this module, you can edit it to use Character model instead of player object.
So it turns out I needed attachment points… Copied them from my avatar using R6 (avatar settings not plugin nor script) and it’s fixed that
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