How can i spawn objects within a hitbox?

Hello, in my game, one of the key features is to press buttons to progress. i want these buttons to spawn randomly scattered throughout different maps and i was thinking of using a hitbox system, i place potential button spawn parts throughout the maps and the game randomly picks out the button hitboxes to spawn them in and destroys the others that were not picked. i have a somewhat general idea of how to do it but i’m not sure how i’d actually have to go about it

i just need a push in the right direction, thank you in advance

Have all your spawn blocks in a folder. When you wanna randomize, loop through all the blocks in the folder and insert them into a table(tableA).

Now you have two tables. Create a winner table(tableB). Get a random number ranging from the 1 to the # of blocks. Use that ranNum to grab a random value from tableA. After you grab that random value, remove it from tableA and insert it into tableB. And repeat.

Assuming you want to spawn objects randomly, in the bounds of another part(hitbox), I have already answered this inside a previous post:

PS: This only works for simple geometrical shapes that aren’t rotated.

The script would look something like this

function chooseSpawnPoints()
	local tableA = game.Workspace.spawnParts:GetChildren() -- the spawnblock table
	local tableB = {} -- the Winner table
	local maxspawnblocks = 3
	for i = 1,maxspawnblocks do
		local tabALength = #tableA-- get length of tableA
		local randomNumber = math.random(1,tabALength)-- choosen a random # within the tables max index. 
		local choosen = tableA[randomNumber] -- grab the value
		if choosen ~= nil then
			table.insert(tableB,choosen)-- insert the choosen spawn block into the winner table
			table.remove(tableA,randomNumber)-- remove from the spawn block table so we do not get it again
	return tableB -- this should have 3 spawnblocks choosen. 
	-- The values in tableB should be the choose spawnblocks.

local choosenblocks = chooseSpawnPoints() -- call the function we just created. It will return the winner blocks

for i, block in pairs(choosenblocks) do
	local clone = button:Clone() -- button refers to the button you wanna clone
	clone.Position = block.Position -- set the position of the clone to your choosen spawn block's position
	clone.Parent = game.Workspace.Buttons -- I suggest setting the parent of the buttons to a folder
	-- so you can loop through and destroy everything inside after wards
	-- in this case, the folder I choose is named Buttons

so how would i do this? i have the maps in replicatedstorage as models, and inside the map model i have the buttons folder with the button models inside. where would i put this script?

You place spawn blocks, around each map and create a folder inside each map to place the spawnparts in. I did not realize you had maps in the game so you would have to edit the script. I would parent the script to the serverscriptservice or place the code inside your main script

Why did you write a function to get the length of a table? You can just do:

local tab = {"Example", "for", "the", "dev", "forum"}
print(#tab) -- prints 5

I remember when using #tab before, it did not work as intended so I began using that function. It makes the code more complicated so I think I will start using #tab again.

The only time # won’t work is when you’re using a dictionary.

local dict = {
    SomeIndex = 2,
    Useless = "Pineappples",
    foo = "bar"
print(#dict) -- print's 0

i’m trying to wrap my head around it, i can’t seem to understand how to use the code you wrote

What are you confused about?--------------------------

i understand what the code does, i just can’t seem to find a way to apply it to my game

why were your replies deleted?

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That is just a basic game script. Just to give you ideas on how to make it. I can’t help any further than this but you can ask questions about the script

local counter = 1

local currentmap

function chooseSpawnPoints(folder) -- folder is the spawn parts folder we specified in the while loop
	local tableA = folder:GetChildren()
	local tableB = {} -- the Winner table

	local maxspawnblocks = 3

	for i = 1,maxspawnblocks do
		local tabALength = #tableA-- get length of tableA

		local randomNumber = math.random(1,tabALength)-- choosen a random # within the tables max index. 

		local choosen = tableA[randomNumber] -- grab the value

		if choosen ~= nil then

			table.insert(tableB,choosen)-- insert the choosen spawn block into the winner table

			table.remove(tableA,randomNumber)-- remove from the spawn block table so we do not get it again



	return tableB -- this should have 3 spawnblocks choosen. 
	-- The values in tableB should be the choose spawnblocks.

while wait(5) do
	local maps = game.ReplicatedStorage.maps:GetChildren() -- get a list of all the maps
	if maps[counter] == nil then -- we have a counter that increases everytime so we loop through all the maps
		-- if the counter eventually goes over the limit of maps, this if statement brings our counter back down to 1
		counter = 1

	currentmap = maps[counter] -- grab the choosen map
	currentmap = currentmap:Clone()
	currentmap.Parent = game.Workspace
	local choosenblocks = chooseSpawnPoints(currentmap.spawnblocks)  -- changed the function a bit. It needs a parameter which is the instance it will loop through
	for i, block in pairs(choosenblocks) do
		local button = Button:Clone()
		button.Position = block.Position
		button.Parent = currentmap

	wait(10) -- round timer
	counter += 1 -- increase the counter

Everything would look like that

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oh the images help A LOT
would i put the buttons in replicated storage as well?

That would work------------------------------------------

alright, i’ll try it out and i’ll update you!

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it doesn’t seem to work, i put the button in replicatedstorage and edited the code a little but it still won’t work

local counter = 1

local currentmap

function chooseSpawnPoints(spawnblocks) 

	local tableA = spawnblocks:GetChildren()

	local tableB = {} -- the Winner table

	local maxspawnblocks = 11

	for i = 1,maxspawnblocks do
		local tabALength = #tableA --get length of tableA

		local randomNumber = math.random(1,tabALength)

		local choosen = tableA[randomNumber] -- grab the value

		if choosen ~= nil then

			table.insert(tableB,choosen)-- insert the choosen spawn block into the winner table

			table.remove(tableA,randomNumber)-- remove from the spawn block table so we do not get it again



	return tableB -- spawnblocks choosen. 

while wait(5) do
	local maps = game.ReplicatedStorage.maps:GetChildren() -- get a list of all the maps

	if maps[counter] == nil then -- we have a counter that increases everytime so we loop through all the maps
		-- if the counter eventually goes over the limit of maps, this if statement brings our counter back down to 1
		counter = 1


	currentmap = maps[counter] -- grab the choosen map

	currentmap = currentmap:Clone()

	currentmap.Parent = game.Workspace

	local choosenblocks = chooseSpawnPoints(currentmap.spawnblocks)  
	for i, block in pairs(choosenblocks) do
		local button = script.Button:Clone()

		button.Position = block.Position

		button.Parent = currentmap

	wait(10) -- round timer, temporary


	counter += 1 -- increase the counter

put the main script in serverstorage

that just broke the whole thing, now nothing happens