How can I start learning scripting consistently?

Hello everyone, even though I made 2 devforum posts of making 2 successful scripts, I still feel lost in where I should start to gather great knowledge about all of the basics and what I should try and tackle on next after the basics that feels somewhat in my reach while also being important.

Here’s my problems:

  1. Everytime I keep trying to create something outside of these 2 successful posts that were solved by great members, Help me debug my global script that doesn't take away player's max health and Help with debugging/rewriting a script with a circle that increases in size and stops - #34 by poly3rd (although I had to rewrite some parts of the code to make it work, the people helping me did most of the work), I can’t seem to script it because I keep thinking it’s “out of my reach”, like when I tried to create my latest creation, " Help me debug my global script that doesn’t take away player’s max health " I couldn’t do it myself because of the humanoid part that, which it fell under what I consider a “out of reach” because I couldn’t figure out how to kill the players and I feel like I either am focusing too much outside of the bubble instead of trying to learn the most important things, the basics.

  2. I keep trying to find something I can learn but it’s not so easy when I don’t understand something new like tweenservice. I keep thinking I know all the basics but I sometimes mess up on what I could consider “simple scripts”, such as a part with surface light with a script when the player clicks on the part, it will activate surface light and play a sound and I believe that I’m either focusing on the wrong things or going too far ahead.

  3. There’s no clear roadmap I can learn roblox scripting and that’s a big issue. YouTube tends to be unreliable. DevForum doesn’t seem to have great community tutorials where they give great examples of the basics.

  4. This is more of a personal thing, but I feel like I’m mentally blocked from the ability to expand out of my reach to create things I want from my arrogance.

With all of that out of the way, I started scripting because there has been a awful drop in quality of many of the Roblox games nowadays. I started scripting because I wanted to create games that wouldn’t be the following; Pay to win, awfully generic, terrible grinding structure, bad balancing, 0 effort put into, etc and it’s undeniably hard to learn scripting when there are so many issues in the way. Thus, I want to know all of your experiences and recommendations on how to consistently learn scripting to where I am proficient enough to know what I can do. If any scripters are reading, consider replying, your feedback to me might be valuable. Thank you for your time if you decide to reply, you might bring someone else into a good cause as well, who knows? All I want is recommendations on what to learn on in scripting, experiences, etc so I can know which ones are important, which ones are valuable to go after, etc.


Make it a hobby. Something you find fun. Make weird projects which you can say to your friends “I made this”. Then make bigger more complicated things. That’s what I did at least and my first proper script place was 2 dice rolling around when you clicked on them.


Guess I shouldn’t say it like that. Best way to learn is making things, I think. A lot of places show how to script for the Studio.

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It takes time. There’s plenty of great material on Youtube and the Developer Forums. AlvinBlox makes some great tutorials for beginners, I’d recommend checking his channel out.

The best way that I learned, was just through making games. Start off with a simple idea and try to make a game around it. When you don’t know how to do something, you search online. It’s a slow and tedious process when you don’t know exactly what you’re doing, but in my opinion, it’s the best way to learn.

Here’s an idea I did for a game that helped me learn quickly. This was a 24-hour game challenge video by the DevKing where he made a random events plate game. You don’t need to do it in 24 hours obviously, but I copied his scripts in the video to setup the basics for the game. Next I added my own random events to the game. This type of game is great for beginners to learn, because each event can teach you how to do something new.
Event Examples:

  • Plate Will Shrink/Grow Event - This teaches you how to change the size properties of a part.
  • Plate Will Change Color/Material Event - This teaches you how to change the color/material properties of a part.
  • A Player Will Get a Sword/Tool Event - This teaches you how to give players tools.
  • A Player’s Health Will Double Event - This teaches you how to change the health properties of a humanoid.

Anyways these are just some ideas, but they were great help to me, good luck!


Please listen to my post before others; Start off with learning programming ideas such as OOP, loops and strings. To learn these methods you can learn basic python and implement them in LUA, I learned them on leetcode :laughing:

ps. I don’t use lua anymore for games

What exactly do you mean by that? I don’t think Roblox with let you code in any other language.