How Can I Start With VFX In Roblox

Hey everyone,
After finding almost everywhere a tutorial or a quick guide to making vfx, I don’t know how to make vfx, more specifically, like one of the roblox’s best combat games ‘The Strongest Battleground’.
I will be glad if someone could tell me how do i start with vfx?

I would like to make something like the new blade master move, here is the reference:
Blade Master - Atmos Cleave WIKI

So if someone could provide me basic knowledge or hints on how to begin i would be really glad!


For Atmos Cleave it seems to be mostly just short lifetime particle emitters with big size and some beams, you just have to use the right textures and play around with the properties.
For beams, you also need to adjust the properties, mostly the shape.

Suggest looking at a video on how to do these: here’s one

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Thanks, I would definitely watch it!

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