How can I test my game as close to live as possible?

I’m looking to test my game with friends (on different machines/locations). How do I test my game in Roblox with friends but not go live? I’m sure this is really basic but I’m clueless.

I tried the publish button on an older sample game as a test but I couldn’t find it in Roblox or under my profile. Do my friends need Studio? Do they need to be collaborators?



You can use Roblox Team Create and give them ‘Play’ access instead of ‘Edit’ access.


From the Google: " Roblox Team Create is a feature that allows multiple players to collaborate on a game in real time. It’s a core Studio feature that’s automatically enabled when using the Manage Collaborators dialog. However, it can be manually disabled if needed"

Do you mean this?


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I didn’t finish my thought.

If that’s what you mean, I have added a friend as play. How does he play now, through Studio? If so, how do we both play together in the same game / same time?

He should be able to play straight thru the Roblox site (roblox app too)

I know this should be basic, but how? When I or he searches for my game it’s not found (it’s private) but also if I go to my profile I don’t see any links to games there either. Sorry, I’ve only been on Roblox for probably a few months and not all that much playing. :confused:

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Yes just send him the game link that on roblox join the same server he should be able to play if you added him.

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I just searched on his machine… through my profile, and I found my game. But when he goes to play it says, “This experience is currently not available.”

That’s in Roblox, not studio. He can load it in Studio and play… just not with me.

Give him edit acesss on roblox studio and both of you press thus button in studio.

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Interesting. I’ll give that a shot tomorrow, thanks.

I was finally able to try this, my friend was super busy. It worked! Thanks again, marking as solution.

If you own a Roblox group and the game is under that group, go to studio for the place you want to test with your friends and click “collaborate” at the top right and give access to certain roles (the roles your friends are in) in the group to either “Edit” or “Play”.

This is if you do not want to give them Team Create access to edit the entire game