How can I transfer my Robux to my group funds?

I would like to ask how can I transfer Robux from my account to Group Funds, im owner of that group.

Because for example when i want to payout my team, i have to do it thru group and in group is 0 funds, so i need to add there some. And I dont know how. Can someone help me with this? Thank you.

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Create a place under the group, and add a product to that place.

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Doesnt it just give the gamepass automaticly to my inventory?

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There is currently no way (and I don’t believe roblox will ever add) of transfering robux from your account to group funds without getting taxed. The only way is to buy a gamepass/product under the group and they will arrive just like pending robux to your account (3- 7 days).

After that you will obviously be able to payout your developers if they are enough time in your group, but it’s the same as buying them a gamepass.

For future projects, make your games under group so the robux arrives directly to it, and you won’t have to eat another 30% tax for paying out your developers.

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Okay but when I create gamepass for example under the group game, it says i already own it. Or should I create developer product?

For that just delete the gamepass out of your inventory in the three dots

Okay thank you so much for help.

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