Greetings! I have a vehicle ghost system, and it is unfortunately not going so well. I ran into multiple issues which are now fixed, and I am stuck at the biggest one.
I need to trick the Server into thinking an Entire NPC is a player, so I can make it think that it is pressing keys even though it isn’t.
What would the best way to accomplish this be? Thanks in advance!
Why? I’ve made ghost drivers before and all I had to do was invoke the routines based on the action the NPC was taking to control the vehicle. The input for a real player just tells you to invoke the same routines.
The system is based off of BetterJeep. Do you think you can help me properly bind the events? I have a table of stuff that tells what time happens and when it does it.
I tried using ModuleScripts, but that didn’t work. Just caused a lot of errors.
I don’t know anything about that module/system sorry. You’d need to look through it and find the routines that controls the vehicle. After than create some bindable events or other wise call those routines when needed.
If this thing still uses the steer/throttle properties of the vehicle seat. You may just be able to set those values from your NPC script. I think the original jeep code this was based off used those but I’m not certain.