How can I tween a door with 2 different rotation points at the same time?

I’m trying to recreate the Portal 2 vault door, but I’m not sure how to tween it. There’s at least 2 rotating parts that need to rotate at the same time. I would have used HingeConstraints if there wasn’t a possibility of glitches.

Here’s a picture of the vault door with arrows indicating wanted movement:

And here’s an illustration of what the door should look like when it’s open:

Also, is there another way of doing this besides tweening that doesn’t rely on Roblox physics?

You could try attaching a Motor6D to them and animating them since they are now a rig.

Thanks, I’ll try that!


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I wasn’t able to animate it because the default animator didn’t register all of the Motor6Ds. It only showed 2 parts.

you can try tweening everything separately