How can I use achievement to boost engagement?

One of the things that keeps players engaged is achievement. The player gets to the nest area in a game, they feel achievement. They get in the top 10on a leaderboard, they feel achievement. What I’m asking is, how can I make use of achievement to keep players engaged in my game?

My game is just a simple simulator-styled game where you’re a dog and you run around to get treats and bones. You can unlock new areas and get charms, and get upgrades, all that good stuff.

In my game, I made it so an applause sound plays when the player unlocks a new area, that way they feel like they accomplished an important goal. I also made a leaderboard and put myself on the leaderboard, and made a sign in game challenging the player to get more treats than me, so they feel victorious knowing that they’re better than the developer, but I don’t think this is enough.

So how can I make players feel more accomplished and more successful in the game? Got any ideas?

Here’s the game:

Make there be a chat message that happens when a player unlocks a new zone or something.

You can make the achievements more interesting to do. Not too challenging to give up nor too easy to get bored. Try to make the players feel it’s always worth the fun and effort to achieve it.

You should implement a sort of rewards system, or as commonly referred to as a battle pass. A Treat System, perhaps? Anyways, if you gain a certain amount of Exp, you will gain a new level, and every level, you will gain a new reward, eg, currency or a cosmetic.

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ideas are

  • jump (2*amountAchieved) times
  • be ingame (amountAchieved) minutes
  • unlock (2,5,7,10,25,50) gates
  • join ( (amountAchieved+100)*2 ) times (cooldown=10 minutes)
  • stay 10 minutes on first on any leaderboard
  • meet @Qin2007 5 times
  • collect ( (amountAchieved+100)*2 ) currencyType
  • open the final gate

and give them common currencyType as reward