How can i use " as a string?

I want to do
["""] = "QuotedDouble"
" is being used as a string in between “” like “string”

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Use \ to break out of special characters.

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Do you backslash a backslash for "\"?

I think the correct way to do it is: "\""

To include a regular backlash without ignoring a character: \\

Another way you could do it is using ‘ ״quoted text” ‘

Also, using [[text]] creates a string literal, ignoring any special characters contained within.

local str1 = "\n\n\n' \"\\"
--> newline newline newline' "\
local str2 = [[\n\n\n' \"\\]]
--> \n\n\n' "\"\\

If you need to use double brackets in your string, you can go even further:

local str = [==[ [[ double brackets as part of the string ]] ]==]

And lastly, you can use string literals to make multiline strings.

local str = [[line 1
line 2
line 3]]
local Strings = {"\"", '"', [["]], string.char(34), utf8.char(34)}

for _, String in ipairs(Strings) do

I know of 5 ways to produce the string.