How Can I Use Controllers to Ensure NPC Can Jump On Moving Platform

I tried messing with the controllers, but I just don’t understand them that well, and I can’t see or find any examples of this on the forum, so I’m asking it here.

Here’s my layout:
The boat is moving with a velocity of,0,0).
Screenshot 2024-12-23 at 23.01.41

Any help is appreciated!

I dont get it, can you give more information on the npc, and the npc is jumping on to the boat?

That is correct. The Player has to jump on the boat, and then on the boat, has to jump over obstacles, but my issue is that it gets pushed off the boat

Make sure the boat is collidable and maybe try tweening or lerping instead of using velocity if that doesnt work.

I’ve seen that controller objects like AirController could fix my problem and I want to see how. The player can stay on, but when they jump, the boat moves without them and they fall off the boat, and I already know Lerping and such won’t change much about that