How can I use decals instead of paying to upload a shirt?

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    I would like to use decals that are shirt templates, Instead of needing to pay a fee to upload 3 shirts. I also have a pants decal to use as a pants template.

  2. What is the issue? I uploaded the decals onto Roblox and scripted my system to set the shirtTemplate of the shirt the user has to be a decal ID. Using rbxasset and such.
    3 . What solutions have you thought of so far?
    I’ve thought of duplicating shirts with the shritsTemplates set already and then parenting it to the player. And doing the same for the pants.

I mean really all the shirt and pants template do is just allow for the Shirt and Pants Datamodels to break them down and put the texture on the character.

All you would have to do is upload the template separately for each part of the avatar, and then just parent that decal to its respective part…

It’s crude, but It should work.

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In the asset manager in studio, upload the shirt template as a image. Then right click it and copy the asset id. Finally, go to the dummy/player and for the shirt change the ShirtTemplate property to the id you copied.

I don’t know if this will work but it definitely should.


I did this before on a dummy, But it seems to not work in-game. It worked in studio though. There was no errors except the fact I had an invisible shirt, Clicking on the UI to get another shirt still didn’t change anything, Same thing with the pants.

I feel like there is a simpler way to do this. I’m currently looking for a simple way myself.