I’ve been wondering how to use messaging service, so how do I use it? I don’t understand any videos, dev forum topics and the dev hub regarding this topic. Bye!
I’ve been wondering how to use messaging service, so how do I use it? I don’t understand any videos, dev forum topics and the dev hub regarding this topic. Bye!
Well, Messaging Service is a way to send a signal from one server to every server in a game!
You would send the data with something like this!
game.ReplicatedStorage.Message:Connect(function(plr, txt) --gets the player and what ever data you want to send from a remotefunction, the remote function can be replaced with any other form of getting data!
local message = {Text = txt}
game:GetService("MessagingService"):PublishAsync("GlobalAnnouncement", message) --this sends the text!
Then you will need another script to receive that message!
game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr) -- finds the player
game:GetService("MessagingService"):SubscribeAsync("GlobalAnnouncement", function(message) -- gets the message
print(message.Data.Text) -- prints the Text, remember to write message.Data before defining the data you want!
There! You’ve sent a message from one server to every server!
You probably don’t want to do SubscribeAsync inside of PlayerAdded in this scenario. You should probably use SubscribeAsync once and iterate over the players within the function.
I have a weird MessagingService handler which works by only having one SubscribeAsync call which is connected once, and then you can :Connect() to it every time, it’s very OOP based.
I don’t even know if SubscribeAsync is even already optimized this way, but yeah.
Just felt like sharing this code because I made it and woudn’t do anything with it anyway.
(You’ll need to have a Signal API under this if you were to use this)
local MessagingService = game:GetService("MessagingService");
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService");
local Signal = require(script:WaitForChild("Signal"))
--\\ Services and APIs: ^
--// Internal Signals;
local MESSAGER_LOADED = Signal.new();
local Service = {};
Service.__index = Service;
Service.ClassName = 'MultiServerService';
--// Specific-event handlers.
PlayerKick = function(...)
local args = table.pack(...);
local plr = game.Players:GetPlayerByUserId(args[1])
local kickMessage = args[2] or "\n\nYou have been kicked!\n\n"
if not plr then return end
--// Private functions:
local function getRandomBoolean()
local y = math.random(1, 2)
if y == 1 then
return false
return true
function Service:GetMessagerAsync(topicName: string)
assert(self:IsA('MultiServerService'), ':GetMessagerAsync() is only available for the service.')
if LOADED_MESSAGERS[topicName] == "loading" then
return self:WaitForMessagerLoaded(topicName);
--\\ Handles current-loading messagers.
LOADED_MESSAGERS[topicName] = "loading";
local messager = setmetatable({
ClassName = 'Messager';
_topic = topicName;
_signal = Signal.new();
_confirmNeeded = {};
}, Service)
local sucess, errorMsg;
while true do
sucess, errorMsg = pcall(MessagingService.SubscribeAsync, MessagingService, topicName, function(info)
local args = info.Data
local specificHandler = EVENT_HANDLERS[args[1]]
if specificHandler then
table.remove(args, 1)
return specificHandler(table.unpack(args))
--\\ Specific action handling, like :KickPlayerAsync();
table.remove(args, 1) --\\ Remove request data.
if sucess then break end
warn('[MultiServerService Loading Error]:', errorMsg)
LOADED_MESSAGERS[topicName] = messager;
MESSAGER_LOADED:Fire(messager, topicName);
return messager;
function Service:WaitForMessagerLoaded(topicName: string)
assert(self:IsA('MultiServerService'), ':WaitForMessagerLoaded() is only available for the service.')
if LOADED_MESSAGERS[topicName] ~= "loading" then
if LOADED_MESSAGERS[topicName] then return LOADED_MESSAGERS[topicName] end
--\\ If there's no messager loading!
while true do
local messager, messagerName = MESSAGER_LOADED:Wait()
if messagerName == topicName then
return messager
function Service:IsA(...)
return ... == self.ClassName;
function Service:Connect(...)
assert(self:IsA('Messager'), ':Connect() is only meant for Messagers!')
return self._signal:Connect(...)
function Service:SendAsync(...)
assert(self:IsA('Messager'), ':SendAsync() is only meant for Messagers!')
local sucess, errorMsg;
local tries = 0;
while true do
sucess, errorMsg = pcall(MessagingService.PublishAsync, MessagingService, self._topic, table.pack('NormalRequest', ...))
if sucess then return sucess end
if not sucess then
tries += 1
warn('[MultiServerService Retry Error]:', errorMsg)
if tries >= 5 then return error(":SendAsync() failed after 5 attempts! It's either down, or you're sending data incorrectly!") end
function Service:KickPlayerAsync(userId: number, kickMessage: string?)
assert(self:IsA('Messager'), ':KickPlayerAsync() is only meant for Messagers!')
local sucess, errorMsg;
local tries = 0;
while true do
sucess, errorMsg = pcall(MessagingService.PublishAsync, MessagingService, self._topic, {'PlayerKick', userId, kickMessage})
if sucess then return sucess end
if not sucess then
tries += 1
warn('[MultiServerService Retry Error]:', errorMsg)
if tries >= 5 then return error(":KickPlayerAsync() failed after 5 attempts!") end
return setmetatable(Service, Service)
I am aware of this, just wanted to make a simple intro to messaging service.
Oh, so with the function PublishAsync
, you send a message to all the servers. Then with SubscribeAsync
, you retrieve that message? And the function inside of SubscribeAsync
, what does it do?
I believe that would be the data that its receiving!
So the function inside subscribeasync
will be the data that is sent?
function(message) - the word message is the data its retrieving
it is important to note that (message) is a string that holds the data. so to access the specific data you need to do: