How can i use --!nolint to disable this strict mode warning?

this shows this error

now this is dynamic but it’s safe since checks were made on the data table before setting it so there is no reason to do that again (I am not doing that)
I couldn’t find a rule to use with --!nolint to disable this warning

any help is appreciated and thanks

This is how it is likely to work (You must add this before the loop)

for property, value in pairs(data[descendant.ClassName]) do
    descendant[property] = value
    print(descendant, value)
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nolint cannot be used like that

do it this way if it doesn’t work --!nolint

for property, value in pairs(data[descendant.ClassName]) do
    local success = pcall(function()
        descendant[property] = value
    if not success then
        warn("Failed to set property:", property)
    print(descendant, value)
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The code will still run even if you have strict mode on and even if dynamic string exists.
Though why do you need strict mode and nolint.
You can probably disable strict mode on checking properties of dynamic string

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thanks, but I do not want to do that
the data table is safe, and that check is made somewhere else in the script doing it again is just a waste of cpu power

strict mode helps me catch errors early when typing

Hope you’ve figured this one out by now, but typically I’d just cast descendant to any in this case to surpress the type error

(descendant :: any)[property] = value

Use --!nocheck and put it in the VERY FIRST LINE OF THE SCRIPT to disable type-error. Tell me if I’m wrong or not.

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