How can I use parts/models on animation editor?

I would like to make automatic doors in roblox studio for my automatic subway train game, I do not want to use TweenService as I do not feel comfortable with that.

How do I use parts/models on the animation editor without rigs??

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There’s an AnimationController object which can be used for non-humanoid models.

Insert that in your model, and then rig it using Motor6Ds so it can be used via the animation editor. (probably easier to do that using a plugin)

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Is Motor6Ds a plugin, I am not sure?

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A Motor6D is an object which is used for animation. Similar to a weld as it attaches objects together, however it’s different as it enables manipulation of positional and rotational data for what its connected to.

I might try this one:

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I’m using the RigEditor -

When it asks for me to select a valid rig. I’m clicking on the AnimationController but I cannot continue… ideas?

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Try clicking on the model itself, not from the explorer window

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How can I just have 1 part during the animation and not 2.

I don’t want any joints… I just want the part to animate (not another part)


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I’m trying this out too, try putting in a model and only put a singular part into the model?

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Oh, is this solved? If it is, can someone please tell me how to do this.

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