How can I verify two step verification using Noblox.js

So, following this post, I’m trying to get a verification token from{USERID}/challenges/authenticator/verify in order to do more stuff with all this weird javascript thingy. However, when I make the post to the url, it always returns “Token Validation Failed”. I include the xcsrf token in the headers, but I keep getting the same annoying error and idk why. Please help :sob:

my javascript code (just in case)

        url: `${userId}/challenges/authenticator/verify`,
        options: {
          resolveWithFullResponse: true,
          method: 'POST',
          headers: {
            "Content-Type": "application/json",
            "X-CSRF-TOKEN": xcsrf
          body: JSON.stringify({
            challengeId: challengeId,
            actionType: 'Generic'
      }).then(function(result) {
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nvm, i just somehow fixed it lol

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