How can I weld a part to player's hands

I’m trying to clone and weld a part to player’s hands everytime they will sit on a seat. Is there a way that i could do this or do I need to make it only for one hand. Here’s how it looks right now.

Right hand is welded good but left one isn’t.


Yeah I’m pretty sure you cant weld something too two baseparts at the same time

Even if you could that probably wouldnt work properly…

Your best bet is too weld it too one hand and just adjust the animation really

I did adjust the animation but i don’t know why it isn’t working still

Im confused, if the arms at the same position and the bar is welded to the left arm when both arms go up wouldnt it give the illusion that the right is welded???

The problem is that the Part itself is going up on one side because it isn’t welded to the arm

Dude could you send like a quick little video because im just confused :rofl:

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Yea, Here you go

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Why the heck is it tilted to the right?

did you not weld it straight?

I did weld it straight. I don’t know why it’s tilted tho

I know this is gonna sound stupid but, try welding it tilted :rofl:

I don’t think this will work. I will try to mess with animation to make it look straight. Thanks for the help tho!

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Also btw really cool game!


Thanks! I’m trying to make a Game that have features that isn’t or roblox.

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Have you ever tried using attachments? If not, you could try to see if that can solve the problem

The issue is that both your arms rotate differently in the animation. If they both rotated the same amount at 90 degrees to the HumanoidRootPart then it wouldn’t be an issue.
You could animate the barbells along with the player.
What if you used Attachments like @Minecraftcaleb53 said, and put BallSocket or Universal Constraints on the barbell handle?


Scottifly’s solution would most likely work better in the long run, but you could change the C0/C1 orientation (property) of the weld to fix it being tilted.

I just changed the animation like you said. The problem was that the arms were tilting in the game even tho they weren’t in the animation editor. Thanks To everyone for Help!

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