Hey Roblox devs. I’m trying to make an objective system in my game with arrows and gui. I copied the part with the arrows from a tutorial. The tutorial uses a remote event for the arrows. Here is the script.
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local HumanoidRootPart = Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
local Beam = script:WaitForChild("Beam"):Clone()
local function CreateBeam(Beam, Attachment0, Part)
local Attachment1 = Part:FindFirstChild("Attachment")
if Attachment 1 then
Beam.Attachment0 = Attachment0
Beam.Attachment1 = Attachment1
game.ReplicatedStorage.ArrowEvent.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(Part, Value)
if Value == true then
local Attachment0 = HumanoidRootPart:FindFirstChild("RootRigAttachment")
CreateBeam(Beam, Attachment0, Part)
Beam.Parent = Character
the problem is, if I wanted to fire the remote event I would have to do it through a server script. But, if I use a server script then I can’t access the local player, which I want to do. But at the same time, I can’t fire an event through the local script. This is what I’m trying to do with the local player:
while true do
local GeneralMurphy = game.Workspace.NPCs["General Murphy"].HumanoidRootPart
local GunCrates = game.Workspace["Millitary Plane"].Crates["Military Crates"].ak47gmod
if player.CurrentObjective.Value == "•Talk to General Murphy" then
ArrowEvent:FireAllClients(GeneralMurphy, true)
ArrowEvent:FireAllClients(GunCrates, false)
elseif player.CurrentObjective.Value == "•Choose Weapons" then
ArrowEvent:FireAllClients(GunCrates, true)
ArrowEvent:FireAllClients(GeneralMurphy, false)
The current objective value is a string value that gets instanced into the player when they join. I want the Arrows to change when that value is equal to a certain thing, but I can’t access that value through a server script because I can’t use local player.
If anybody knows a workaround for this, please let me know…I’m honestly stuck, mainly because the tutorial I watched just showed you what to do, and didn’t explain what everything was in full detail. Here is the video just in case you might need it.
I don’t think you understand…I know I could use a playeradded function but that would only recognize the player as soon as they join. The script that I’m using is getting used throughout the game, so I would need a method that can access the player at any time. The best way I can think of solving my problem is by somehow changing “CurrentObjective” in every player at once, but I wouldn’t know how to do that. Read my scripts, and try figuring out what I’m trying to exactly. I might find out a way to use the playeradded, but if it doesn’t work then I would appreciate it if you can find another solution for me.
There is a string value, name “CurrentObjective” that every player spawns with. I want to access that variable with a server script, but I can’t because I can’t access “LocalPlayer” in a server script. That’s the main thing, if you want more detail just re read the first post I made. I’m trying to use the playerAdded function and store the player in a variable, but so far it’s not working.
Also, I want to make it so the arrows point to the object that refers to the current objective of a player. Another solution I thought of was going into each and every individual player and changing the variable from there but I have no idea how to do that.
Try thisNote: if u changing currentobjective value with serverscript this should works!
Server Script:
local GeneralMurphy = game.Workspace.NPCs:WaitForChild("General Murphy"):WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
local GunCrates = game.Workspace:WaitForChild("Millitary Plane").Crates["Military Crates"].ak47gmod
if player.CurrentObjective.Value == "•Talk to General Murphy" then
ArrowEvent:FireClient(player,GeneralMurphy, true)
ArrowEvent:FireClient(player,GunCrates, false)
elseif player.CurrentObjective.Value == "•Choose Weapons" then
ArrowEvent:FireClient(player,GunCrates, true)
ArrowEvent:FireClient(player,GeneralMurphy, false)
if Attachment 1 then -- (Error)
if Attachment1 then -- (Fixed)
local function CreateBeam(Beam, Attachment0, Part)
local Attachment1 = Part:FindFirstChild("Attachment")
if Attachment 1 then
Beam.Attachment0 = Attachment0
Beam.Attachment1 = Attachment1