How can make my text label show accurate abbreviations like shown in the below
I like this question. This might not be the most efficient approach but it’s how I’d do it. You can do this by splitting the initial number’s string and then every 3 characters, add a separator. In this case it’s a comma.
local separator = ',' -- Change this to whatever you want
local function abbreviate(number)
local numberString = tostring(number)
local splitString = string.split(numberString, '')
local compiledString = '' -- We need a base. Nil won't work because it's not a string and gives an error if attempted to be concatenated with a string.
local counter = 0 -- Accumulator so we know where to add the separator
for i = #splitString, 1, -1 do
counter += 1
if (counter % 3 == 1) and (i ~= #splitString) then -- Just ensures that no extra comma is added to the beginning or end of your string.
compiledString = separator..compiledString -- If the counter is equal to 3 then add the separator
compiledString = splitString[i]..compiledString -- Concatenate the next number with the string compiled so far
return compiledString
print(abbreviate(123456132)) --> 123,456,132
how do I make it show the amount of cash I have
Perhaps create a listener that listens for a given IntValue to change, then whenever it changes update the label.
Here’s an example:
local intValue ='IntValue')
local separator = ',' -- Change this to whatever you want
local function abbreviate(number)
local numberString = tostring(number)
local splitString = string.split(numberString, '')
local compiledString = '' -- We need a base. Nil won't work because it's not a string and gives an error if attempted to be concatenated with a string.
local counter = 0 -- Accumulator so we know where to add the separator
for i = #splitString, 1, -1 do
counter += 1
if (counter % 3 == 1) and (i ~= #splitString) then -- Just ensures that no extra comma is added to the beginning or end of your string.
compiledString = separator..compiledString -- If the counter is equal to 3 then add the separator
compiledString = splitString[i]..compiledString -- Concatenate the next number with the string compiled so far
return compiledString
local function updateLabel()
script.Parent.Text = abbreviate(intValue.Value)
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Here is another formula that is a little simpler. Is the leaderstats named “Cash”? If so then put this script as a child of the textlabel.
function comma_value(amount)
local formatted = amount
while true do
formatted, k = string.gsub(formatted, "^(-?%d+)(%d%d%d)", '%1,%2')
if (k==0) then
return formatted
local cash = game.Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("leaderstats"):WaitForChild("Cash")
script.Parent.Text = "Cash :"..comma_value(cash.Value)
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