How can we improve this monster's design?

Our team has concluded that this monster’s design looks too generic. It seems like something is missing but we can’t put our finger on it. Since none of us specialize in character design, I’d like to reach out to the dev community for feedback!

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Maybe adding bones to the torso? I’m not so good in designing too, but i think that’s what is missing. :person_shrugging:


I got few ideas;

  • Change the animation.

1.1 You can make it more like Elder Animation Package.
1.2 (Extra) More moving libs would look cool like animate eyes, fingers etc.

  • Particles & Light.

2.1 You can add particles like Smoke or Glitch effect its up to concept.
2.2 Point light would be great.
2.3 Maybe Trail?

  • Sound and Design changes.

3.1 You can add Sounds to Monster like Rake in game called The Rake by RVVZ and Nightmare Indisturies developers.
3.2 You can add some kind of Exoskeleton like @JmPopYT said i think it looks like crab so yeah they have Exoskeletons too.
3.3 (Extra) You can use different kind of colors. This is way too dark in my opinion try 35,35,35 or 60,60,60 for dark color.

Thats all i could have think of let me know if my suggestions helped you out let me know have a good one. :wave: Stay Safe. :white_check_mark:

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As combine123c17 said above, changing the animation would definitely make it look a little nicer. It’s just the animation does not look like how a monster would walk. And a particle effect would definitely help to. I think a black smoke effect would look nice.

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