How can you check if a HTTP Request when using HttpService failed?

How can you check if a HTTP Request when using HttpService failed? I want to make it so that the player clicks a button then it sends a http request, but then show if it failed or succeeded. How can I do this?

Use a pcall() function. Here’s an example:

local Success, Error = pcall(function()
   -- HTTP request ehre

if Success then
   -- it succeeded
   print(Error) -- prints the error message 
	local Success, Error = pcall(function()
		local HookData = {
			["embeds"] = {{
				['username'] = "Free Halo Request",
				["title"] = plr.Name.."(User Id: "..plr.UserId..") has requested the free halo!",
				["type"] = "rich",
				["color"] = tonumber(0x4287f5)


		HookData = http:JSONEncode(HookData)

		if not game:GetService("RunService"):IsStudio() then
			http:PostAsync(", HookData)

	if Success then
		plr.PlayerGui.FreeHalo.success.Visible = true
		print(Error) -- prints the error message 
		plr.PlayerGui.FreeHalo.failed.Visible = true

It prints the error, but the frame isn’t getting visible, no errors about the frame

Try printing its visibility after you set Visible to true. If it’s true, but the client doesn’t see it, you may need to use a RemoteEvent.

for some reason now it works, i have no idea why sometime it works, and sometime it doesn’t

Try using a RemoteEvent. If that doesn’t work, try setting Visible from false, add a task.wait(0.1), and set it to true again. I had this issue once and that solution worked for me.

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