How can you consider a limb of a bundle for being "too transparent"?

Hello I’m Ryxku, my UGC creators comrades and me noticed a new notification error which declines our avatar for saying X is too transparent. Please fill in more of the mesh.
Everybody got this error and it doesn’t make sense for most of bundles trying to not be skinny.
For example, look at my upcoming bundle? Can you say that my arms and legs are too transparent??? They are based on human body, you can’t say they are transparent.
I should test the templates you gave us and maybe the human avatars will be showed as “too transparent”.
You really need to remove this restriction, it’s terrible for everyone!

Expected behavior

The arms and legs I made are literrally made and edited from a template. So it’s not normal to decline something thicker than your templates.

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Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

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Hi Howimetted, it’s already updated, they finally removed this restriction. Now I have another problem with a different restriction from another bug report I posted, please have a look at this instead : No way to know the expanding box in custom UGC avatars

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They did that to stop free headlesses, I prefer this limit to stay in place. But, you’re right, it’s hard to tell how limbs are considered too transparent. They certainly seem completely visible to me.

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To stop headlesses, they need to moderate manually. There’s no better option.