How can you make the npc walk instead of "slide" when using MoveTo:()?

Hi everyone, I have been working on making a npc that tracks and kills you when you are inside a certain region. The problem I have is that the humanoid just slides to the player and the legs and arms don’t move. Does anyone know how to solve it?


Animations. Without animations to play, any humanoid is just going to slide when it’s moving. The easiest way would be to just rip the “Animate” script from the player character and then place it into your NPC as a Script instead of a LocalScript, along with making a few simple changes to said script.


Epic!!! Wow this is so easy and yet it works. I just got to delete the emote wheel and chat things. Thanks!

Adding a walking animation is the most simple and the best way to do it. To add an animation to an NPC follow these steps:

  • Play the game in Roblox Studio
    *Go to workspace and find your charecter model while play testing
    *Fing the child of your charecter called animate
    *RIght click and copy that animate folder
    *Stop play testing
  • Paste “animate” into the NPC model
  • create a new server script inside the NPC model
  • Name the new script “animate”
  • Open “Animate” and select all
  • Paste text of “Animate” into the server script
  • Copy all Children of “Animate” into the new script
  • Delete the local script “Animate” and its children
  • Open the new “Animate” server script and delete selection for chat emote since NPC wont chat with us or if it is skip this step
  • Go to children of “Animate” and open the desired animation URL or AssetID into the animations when the NPC walks or jumps or does other animations
local emote = ""
if (string.sub(msg, 1, 3) =="/e") then
emote = string.sub(msg, 4)
elseif (string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == "/emote") then 
emote = string.sub(msg, 8)
if (pose == "Standing" and emoteNames[emote] ~= nil) then 
playAnimation(emote, EMOTE_TRANSITION_TIME, Humanoid)