The basic principle for Combat is the same through most games, the way games like tsb make the combat feel smooth and immersive is by adding effects such as screen shake different camera perspectives partials and environment interactions. Another thing to keep in mind is the flow between different animations and that the attacking player along with the enemy should be animated in unison.
- Use the client for everything, just put server sided checks to stop exploits, if you can’t use the client, use network ownership.
- Get a good animator, the most important thing is good animations in battlegrounds.
- Get good vfx and sfx(music and sound effects), these are important for the animations.
- Prioritize performance, meaning optimize the code as much as possible.
- And lastly, plan everything out, from all the mechanics, blocking, slam, etc, take atleast 2 days to do this.
Do all these, and you will have smooth combat.
Hello! Thank for the respond!
- So, i should use it to initialize animation to the current combo, set up combo value (its main question, because i thought i should setup things like this on server), and other stuff on client, but i still got questions: is that mean, i should setup hitbox on the client, then use Remote Function or Remote Event to get all hitbox victim’s and play stuff like getting hit animation on client and stun on server?
- Thank for the tip!
- Thank for the tip!
- Okay, but do you know good tutorials that will help optimize the code? Haven’t seen any of good tutorials.
- Including how you going to script these systems as well? Thank for the tip!
I think so, but the answer is not explaining everything. I want to know best ways to interact with the player and enemy, not just having a camera shake or something. Imagine if player plays your game: bad stun, absolutely bad interaction with players, a lot of bugs and some sort of this stuff. But thank for the respond, it will help me to find out answer.
Hello, thanks for quick response.
So, if i need to change the value (not just read it),i need to use server?
Thank you again!
How would a client based hitbox work?
sorry for late response and slight necrobump, but
Put simply: use your preffered hitbox method (just not .Touched, pls) for the client, as its instant. Then fire a remotefunction/tell the server from the client “Hey, I hit something” (in case you want to be efficient, only send remotes when the client actually knows its hit something), and have the server validate it. It’s important to properly validate and be efficient - so imo maybe a simple magnitude check (and dot product, if you want extra precision) will work. Remember not to take long, don’t hog server resource and long waiting times - defeats the purpose of client hitboxes.
Damage, and whatnot, should be handled by the server