i have a randomNumber variable that chooses a random number between 1 and 2 and if it chooses 1 then i want my npc to jump once and if it chooses 1 again then it will do the same thing but if 2 is chosen, he won’t jump.
i assume my npc is jumping because of the presimulation event running every frame and what not but idk how to solve this. i appreciate any help ty!!
local somedudethatfollowsu:Model = workspace.somedudethatfollowsu
local somedudethatfollowsuHumanoid:Humanoid = somedudethatfollowsu.Humanoid
local pfs = game:GetService("PathfindingService")
local RS = game:GetService("RunService")
local startingPosition = somedudethatfollowsu:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position
local endingPosition = workspace.SpawnLocation.Position
local randomNumber = math.random(1,2)
if randomNumber == 1 then
somedudethatfollowsuHumanoid.Jump = true
what i did was; i added a canJumpDB debounce variable but i’m not very good with debounce patterns, i tried this but i can’t seem to get it to work.
local canJumpDB = false
connection = RS.Stepped:Connect(function()
local randomNumber = math.random(1,10)
local mag = (somedudethatfollowsu.HumanoidRootPart.Position - c.HumanoidRootPart.Position).Magnitude
if randomNumber == 1 then
if not canJumpDB then
canJumpDB = true
somedudethatfollowsuHumanoid.Jump = true
canJumpDB = false
what your doing is SPAMMING it, so your not getting insanely luck sad.
presim is before physics simulation like EVERY frame.
so your basically rolling a bias dice because your not only saying move here.
if random 1 2 will always end up 1 if that makes sense
and adding on, your jumpdb is also doing the same.
on off instantly.
add a wait() but preferably task.wait and task.spawn(fucntion() to make it not yield
if randomNumber == 1 then
if not canJumpDB then
canJumpDB = true
somedudethatfollowsuHumanoid.Jump = true
task.wait(0.5) --// placehodler
canJumpDB = false
oh yes that does make a lot more sense. i knew it had to do with the event tbf but i’m only using it just so my npc will update position based on if i move too; which works fine.
thank u so much for ur help honestly. from what i’m gathering the task.wait acts as a cooldown before choosing a random number again and therefore making the NPC jump afterwards.
i honestly wouldnt have thought of this in 100 years cheers!!!
u helped a ton !
i’ll switch the event around to something else, i used presim because i didn’t know what to choose from the options in runservice. many had missing explanations but i assume they’re in development. i’ll make sure to keep that in mind as well. thanks a million anxiety!!
you’re right. task.wait performance wise is superior, faster to respond as well. i’ve seen task.spawn a while ago but never used it until now so thanks for the info.