local newChar = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character:Clone()
newChar.Parent = characterPreviewWindow
cam.Parent = workspace
Error: Players.matt1020304050.PlayerGui.InventoryGUI.InventoryScript:112: attempt to index nil with ‘Parent’
local newChar = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character:Clone()
newChar.Parent = characterPreviewWindow
cam.Parent = workspace
Error: Players.matt1020304050.PlayerGui.InventoryGUI.InventoryScript:112: attempt to index nil with ‘Parent’
The error is…
newChar is holding a nil value
Why it happens…
That depends, where is this script being used?
Are you using a local or server script?
Have you tried to use a task.wait() to make sure the character has loaded?
Character is loaded, and it’s a local script.
What do you get after this line, if you do
print("newChar = ",newChar)
Set the Archivable
property of the player’s character to true, clone it, then set it back to false (just a safety measure to avoid abuse by exploiters).
Consider the use of game.Players.LocalPlayer.CharacterAdded:Wait()
to make sure the Character
is not nil
This also could be because cam
is nil
- the error doesn’t specify which attempt to access the parent is nil
. Make sure you are referring to workspace.CurrentCamera
if you need to modify the player’s Camera
Of course, this all belongs in a LocalScript