How could a make a lookvector cframe stand upright?

Hey, I’ve been looking at some scripts for my fighting game and i’ve been wondering what the best to set a z roatation to 90 in a look vector cframe.

The code currently looks something like this:

local cframe = Character.Head.CFrame + Character.Head.CFrame.LookVector * 10

hitbox.CFrame = cframe * CFrame.Angles(0,0, math.rad(90))

Currently the end result looks something like the image on the left, while the ideal one is the image on the right.

Naturally, I could just choose to use a different bodypart or a different keyframe, but as a coder, I feel the incredible, unexplanable urge to learn how to extract a sepcific angle within a cframe and change it forcefully to my will, instead of doing something that would take 2 minutes.

so as a tldr, how do I take an already made cframe and dissect it, taking out its z rotation, and replacing it with something that will always by 90 no matter the circumstances?

*side note: idk why but the code seems to be working again, and now im wondering why

Use :ToOrientation() to break down CFrame into well orientation then reconstruct with .fromOrientation.

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