How could i achieve this level of shiny and reflectance?

this is from the game “Washware” and i realized the washing machines and other objects had a high level of reflectance, but it doesnt look like they used the default roblox metal material, i also tried to replicate the shininess by using a metal pbr texture but it doesnt hit the same, How can i replicate this or should i say what website contains alot of these types of materials?

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all you need is a nice roughness map

in the game it looks like that

took just one minute to model and to create a roughness map.

download the place file below that contains the seat and have fun.
cheers :hugs:

Seat.rbxl (62.6 KB)


Ah i see, do you bake the roughness map? if so how to?

you can bake if you like, but this seat is so simple and has no surface details. All you need is the right grey-scale value of the roughness map.

The one I uploade for you has the following value:

white means, no roughness at all. Black means 100% roughness (super shiny).
you can go in photoshop and just tweak the roughness value as you like.

For baking you can use any 3rdparty tool that supports baking.
Substance Painter, Marmoset Toolbag are sweet tools but unfortunately not free.

Hope that helps you a bit!

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i never knew that colors will determine the roughness, Thx again

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