How could I add more time to a timer?

For my game “The Great Era”, there is this system in place where players will receive what’s known as a “combat tag” if another player damages / attacks them so therefore if they are to leave, they will be punished more than dying in-game. However, I want to make a system in place where it will add more time instead of starting a thread that just waits a period and then changes a value. Any ideas?

What I am currently using

	if game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Character) ~= nil then
		local Player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Character)
		if Player.Stats.InCombat.Value == false then
			print("Combat tagged "..Player.Name.." For "..tostring(Duration).." seconds")
				Player.Stats.InCombat.Value = true
				Player.Stats.InCombat.Value = false
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Should be the same concept of a combo timer, you just reset the timer, not using wait(n) as you cannot change the duration of that wait, a custom timer module will be needed.