How could I approach making a sphere of raycasts?

What I’m trying to do is make a landmine, but I don’t want to use spheres as those will go through walls. I want to detect a certain radius and I want to see if they are behind a wall or not. I also want the amount of damage to lower the farther they are! i.e 100 dmg up close 5 super far.

I heard there are shapecasts but I don’t want to fire in one direction but more so in a hemisphere.

Does anybody know how I could approach this?

sorry if I didn’t explain it well or the image sucks btw

Do this but then follow it up with raycasting when you hit something to see if it’s behind a wall.


Another issue I’ve had with spheres those is that they will only detect one player in my script that I’m using for some reason. Is this the best way to actually do it though? Raycasting with a sphere?

Roblox actually added a new feature called Shapecasting, you can do worldroot:Spherecast to make a sphere. Here’s the link: WorldRoot | Roblox Creator Documentation Edit: I just realised you said you don’t want to use shapecast, but you can just put the sphere in the ground matching with the mine and get the distance from the center of the cast


This should do the job, I put some comments to explain what it does.
Hopefully this helps!

Edit: I know this may not fit your specific use case but it should put you on the right track

local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")

local trigger = script.Parent
local landmine = trigger.Parent
local checkAttachment = trigger:WaitForChild("CheckAttachment")

-- Params for the raycast to check ground
local params =
params.RespectCanCollide = false
params.FilterDescendantsInstances = {landmine}

-- Example Settings
local mineSettings = {
	radius = 5,
	maxDamage = 75,
	minDamage = 25

-- Checks for a player and calculates dmg
function checkCast (castResult: RaycastResult)
	local castInstance = castResult.Instance
	local character = castInstance.Parent
	if not character then return end
	local humanoid = character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
	if not humanoid then return end
	-- Makes An Explosion Effect
	local explosion ="Explosion", workspace)
	explosion.Position = checkAttachment.WorldPosition
	explosion.BlastRadius = 0
	-- Calculates damage based on min and max values
	local damage = mineSettings.maxDamage - (mineSettings.maxDamage - mineSettings.minDamage) * (castResult.Distance / mineSettings.radius)

-- Makes the raycast
function makeCast ()
	-- Makes a sphere shapecast from the mine's position using an attachment
	local castResult = workspace:Spherecast(checkAttachment.WorldPosition -, mineSettings.radius, 0), mineSettings.radius,, mineSettings.radius, 0), params)
	if castResult then

-- Checks every heartbeat

Thank you but I think I have generally found out how to do it on my own thanks to @JarodOfOrbiter but thank you for more clarification!

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