How could I change properties from one place to another?

Hey everyone,

The title explains it all. But for a example, what if I was making a custom character system and you could change its colors from the menu, and it’ll appear in the other games attached to that game?

You could use DataStores, however I would recommend using data stores only to make the data persistent between visits. For persistence in data between different places within a game universe, use TeleportService:SetTeleportSetting() and TeleportService:GetTeleportSetting().

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Okay, thanks just learned it!
But how do I do this now? All I can really do is just print something across the places when teleporting

I suppose you could just implement them as tables to retrieve (Preferably a Dictionary), as long as they’re Numbers/Bools/Strings that is

Place #1:

local TPService = game:GetService("TeleportService")

local Colors = {
    Red = 200;
    Blue = 0;
    Green = 100

TPService:SetTeleportSetting("ColorTable", Colors)

Place #2:

local TPService = game:GetService("TeleportService")

local ColorTable = TPService:GetTeleportSetting("ColorTable")

print(ColorTable) --Should be a dictionary hopefully
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Does this work with _G? (quite obviously im doing this all on the client)

I believe you could, if you mean something like this?

local TPService = game:GetService("TeleportService")

_G.ColorTable = TPService:GetTeleportSetting("ColorTable")

print(ColorTable) --Should be a dictionary hopefully

Other random script in the same place:

print(_G.ColorTable) --Would print the same thing

If you meant like using them in different places whilst referencing the same variable, then I don’t believe you can

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