How Could I Create VR Climbing?

Hello! I’ve been trying to get my VR Player Model to have Climbing. Everyone is saying to use Align Positions and Setting Attachment CFrames. But when I do this, I just end up flying backwards.

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Hey, not a solution just a comment, if you do figure this out could you open source? I was interesting in doing something like this a while back when I was testing out vr on roblox.

Yes, my player model will be open-sourced. It will have limited features. But luckily grabbing and climbing are in it!


I’m really no expert… but would just creating a weld between the hand and the rock work?

Nope, just holds the hand in place.

But if your in vr, can’t you move that hand? (Sorry if my questions are dumb I’m just curious)

No, it’s how the engine works. Welds override moving a vr controller, meaning that you wouldn’t be able to make it work. Besides, hands are based off of the camera. And, the camera would need to be moved in the opposite direction of the hand. Which doesn’t work.

I see. But what if once the hand is locked, you introduce a new movement system with body movers that will move your character based on inputs? (idk I’m spit-balling)

Tried that, I failed. All it did was send me up.

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What if you grab a rock with one hand, and it will straiten out your arm and bring your character up to that position. Then your other hand is free to grab another rock. Its not a perfect system, but it would be a way to scale a wall.

@CheezBoy27 and @atfdaj VR Climbing Demo (Opensourced Place-File)

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Pretty much doesn’t work for me. It stop my hands when climbing but doesn’t move me.

Oh, haven’t tried it in a while