VR Climbing Demo (Opensourced Place-File)

For a while I’ve been trying to make a VR Climbing System and today I figured it out,
So I made a VR Climbing Demo for anyone to use.

Play the game here:

It is Single-Player and VR Only.

The VR Script is under StarterPlayerScripts
There are also Configurable Settings you can change under (ReplicatedStorage → VRFolder
→ VRSettings)

Here’s a video of it:

And a Place File:
VR Climbing Demo.rbxl (167.3 KB)


This is really cool! I think it’s nice how if you fall you have a chance to pull yourself up again.


Woah! :scream:

This is the coolest thing ever! I’m so grateful it’s open sourced. I still can’t believe that that’s possible.


make it so you are only able to climb on parts that are called grab


I know it’s an old message but if you want to do that it’s pretty easy to do, also does anyone know if he’s still working on it?

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2 things

Please tell me how to do it too,

and he told me he isn’t :frowning: he is working on unity now

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This demo gives me this indie game called GRAB but you have to move your arms to do movements. Great job dude!