How could I disable the reset button except for when players are in the "lobby"?

I add an attribute when the player joins the game, like this:

local players = game:GetService("Players")

    plr:SetAttribute("InGame", false)

Basically while this attribute is false I want the reset button to be enabled, but while it is true, I want it to be disabled.

My reset button script is here:

-- Roblox Services
local StarterGUI = game:GetService("StarterGui")

-- Disables the Reset Button
----[ Creates a Loop to make sure that the ResetButtonCallBack works.
	local success = pcall(function() 
		StarterGUI:SetCore("ResetButtonCallback", false) 
until success
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You can use GetAttributeChangedSignal.

local sGui = game:GetService("StarterGui")
local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer

repeat task.wait() until player:GetAttribute("InGame")

local function update()
    local newValue = player:GetAttribute("InGame")
    local newState = false
    if newValue == true then --can't use logic statement because it will check if the attribute exists or not
        newState = false
        newState = true
    sGui:SetCore("ResetButtonCallback", newState)

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Ah thats perfect, thank you very much for your help :slight_smile:


Hi, sorry I’m having some issues with the update function getting called. My attribute value definitely changes to true when the player is “InGame”. I added some print statements and as expected the “Waiting” one prints. However the “updated” one doesn’t.

local sGui = game:GetService("StarterGui")
local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer

repeat task.wait() until player:GetAttribute("InGame")


local function update()
	local newValue = player:GetAttribute("InGame")
	local newState = false
	if newValue == true then --can't use logic statement because it will check if the attribute exists or not
		newState = false
		newState = true

	sGui:SetCore("ResetButtonCallback", newState)


are you sure that player has an attribute called “InGame” and that you’re changing it by using Player:SetAttribute() ?

	local success, owned = pcall(MarketPlaceService.UserOwnsGamePassAsync, MarketPlaceService, player.UserId, 98681915)

	if success and owned then
		--they own the pass
		player:SetAttribute("GamepassOwned", true)
	elseif not success then
		player:Kick("Failed to retrieve gamepass data. Please rejoin!")
		--they don't own the pass
		player:SetAttribute("GamepassOwned", false)
	player:SetAttribute("Kills", 0)
	player:SetAttribute("Deaths", 0)
	player:SetAttribute("InGame", false)
for i = #gamePlayers, 1, -1 do
		gamePlayers[i]:SetAttribute("InGame", true)

Not sure if this could work, but because you’re using SetAttribute, it might be adding an attribute instead of updating an existing one. Try player:GetAttribute("InGame") = true.

Not tested it, so I’m not too sure :confused: .

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everything seems fine so far, maybe check this part;

try to print it or something, does it actually get the player and change its attribute, maybe it refers to something else

Yeah I checked and it definitely works. As 1234koip said, I think its to do with im not actually updating the value, I’m creating a new one.

as long as the index is the same, you do not create a new attribute, and you can’t change the attribute by using :GetAttribute(), thats solely for getting the current attribute value

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I ended up using this code, except for I fired a remote event from the server when the value updated, and that worked perfectly. Thank you both for your help :slight_smile:


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