How could I get the players id from their Username in python

Hi so I am trying to make a verification bot on discord but Im having trouble getting the users userid from your username.
Does anyone know how to do this?

I am nowhere near a pro at web web development and all that shmuck. I havent touched anythin of that since late 2018 so ive basically forgotten mostly everything. My only thing i can think of is that you could try to use the users api?

You can use the /v1/usernames/users users API endpoint to bulk fetch users and their user data (including IDs).

Based on the docs provided on the API docs page as mentioned by @Herobrinekd1, example code using the requests library would look something like this in Python:

import requests


def getUserId(username):

    requestPayload = {
        "usernames": [

        "excludeBannedUsers": True # Whether to include banned users within the request, change this as you wish

    responseData =, json=requestPayload)

    # Make sure the request succeeded
    assert responseData.status_code == 200

    userId = responseData.json()["data"][0]["id"]

    print(f"getUserId :: Fetched user ID of username {username} -> {userId}")
    return userId
getUserId("JadtrugamingYT1") # This will print and return the OP's ID :)

Here’s an example output of the code:

Hope this helped! :grinning:


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