How could I go about this?

I would like to create a system where you would be asked a set of questions and you would have to pick the correct answer, for example

What does NASA stand for?
Answer would be: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

but you would have 3 or 4 wrong answers.
The issue that is present is that I cannot find out how to go about doing so.

I have tried looking through the toolbox to see if I can find anything, but I could not do so. How could I go about this?


You are talking about an application system?

1 Like

No, like a quiz show, but its a roblox game.

Using things out of the toolbox to form your entire game is pretty frowned upon, so my best idea for you is to either make the user interface and program the system yourself or outsource it.

Where could I outsource it?

The Roblox Talent Hub is a place where you can hire someone to assist you in creating this.


local questions = {
	{Question = "What does NASA stand for?", Answer = "National Aeronautics and Space Administration"}

local wrongAnswers = 0
local chances = 3

for _, question in questions do
	-- Display question ig
	local wrong = false
	-- Get player answer
	-- Check if player answer == question.Answer
	-- if not then change wrong to true

	if wrong then
		wrongAnswers += 1
		if wrongAnswers == chances then

You would make a table like so:

local Questions = {
	{Question = "Why", Answer = "Yes", Wrong1 = "No", Wrong2 = "No", Wrong3 = "No"},
	{Question = "Why", Answer = "Yes", Wrong1 = "No", Wrong2 = "No", Wrong3 = "No"}

And then you would pick a random question with math.random and add the questions to the buttons.

Once a player has picked a button, you can check if it’s right by checking if the text of the button matches the correct answer.