hey! so i was coding my game and i have now to code a custom health UI, i wanted something more immersive, unique, but still readable, i ended up with this style
basically some sort of “backdrop” on the character with the exact same model as the character, but with a little offset to the side to be able to be readable, i know its possible in some way, i accept any suggestion on how i can do it, no matter how hacky it is, as long as it dont make my whole pc catch on fire
Are you aware of ViewportFrames? They allow you to show 3d models in GUI, which sounds exactly like what you’re looking for. You would want to create two clones of the character, place them both inside the viewport frame and position them appropriately. Maybe you could use a highlight for the red bit, assuming they even render in viewports. You’ll probably want to do some testing to see what looks good.
If you haven’t used viewport frames before I’d recommend looking up a tutorial on youtube. They’re not too complicated but probably complex enough to cause some problems
yup, i heard about viewportFrames and even tried it out, the problem is that id have to use UIgradients to do the effect i want, and the gradient dont apply to just the visible portion, it applies to everything, so i have to either shrink it down and place it only where the character is visible, or shift the gradient’s values based on the character’s visible bounding box
here, with UI gradient, center of screen, around 10% full
nothing different
then i rotate a little downward
and it also have to not be visible behind walls
Can you explain the problem again? I thought the effect was GUI but it looks like you’re trying to apply it to the actual character, I’m a bit confused on what you’re trying to achieve.
Also the depth mode property is used to make highlights not appear through walls.
I’ll have to wait till tomorrow for replying again cos I’m going to sleep
highlights cannot be used to appear on only one side nor allow uiGradient, and the effect is meant to appear as a health bar around the player that has been hit, kinda like a different highlight that only appear on one side and can have gradients, so its basically a 3d object on the world on the shape of the character’s model but recolored to look like a health bar