How could I improve my game, and myself as a developer? [More detail in the post]

The game:

So, I’ve started working on this game a few weeks ago, and released it not so long ago.
When I first released it, I spent 144 robux in sponsors for PC (as it is a PC only game).
Mid-way through the advertisement, a buddy of mine suggested that I should change the logo to something more attention grabbing, which I then did, a red blob with huge teeth trying to eat a smaller very scared blue blob. This instantly made the CTR rise to on average 0.25% (before that it was 0.13-0.17), which seems to be pretty good compared to any other information I found on people’s game’s that actually had success.

However, I did a really amateur move, and published a version of the game that gave everyone way more in-game currency than they would ever need. So the 82 people who actually clicked on the sponsor (out of 31K+) never bought anything.

At first I thought that when I’ll sponsor the game again, it would definitely have a few purchases and make back the lost robux, however, that didn’t happen. See, before I sponsored the game again, I wanted to improve it, and so I read countless posts and articles. I came to the conclusion that my game was going to flop again if I didn’t change anything, as it had nothing to do for when there is only one player in the game.

So to combat that problem, I added a boss and simple enemies to the game. There was a big list of changes other than just those two, but they are irrelevant to this discussion. After that, I did some play testing with a few friends, fixed some critical and non-critical bugs, and thought it was time for release. This time of course, I made sure that the players did NOT get an insane amount of in-game currency. I also added bonuses for people who join the group of the game, as previously nobody joined. With that, I put some text in the menu telling the player to join the group to get these bonuses for free.

And so, after I bid the 200 robux, I went to sleep, very hopeful for what’s to come. Surprisingly, the CTR actually rose to almost 0.4% off the bat (I changed the logo before releasing the update, but it’s pretty similar). In the end, nobody bought anything, and most people didn’t stay in for much time. And so the advertisement ended with 122 clicks. I gained no new people in the group, I only got one extra like, and no extra favorites, or robux.

And here I am now, on the devforum, asking if any of you have some tips on how I would actually make people stay, join the group, and buy things?

Additonal information about this project is that I only have 815 robux, so I can’t really bid 10k’s to just get the game going sadly. But if I did buy a large amount of robux, would it be worth it?

I am open for all and every criticism, from the game’s style to sponsoring etc.

Thanks for any responses, have a nice day.

Edit: I’d like to say that I am not expecting to suddenly get on the front page instantly, but I can’t really imagine myself getting there. I would be totally fine with a slowly growing community, but I don’t know how I would make one (as again, nobody even joined the game’s group, let alone the discord :frowning: )


I checked your game, It’s well made. But while I was playing I noticed the huge “Mega Virus GUI” that covered a good amount of my screen. You also need to get a better thumbnail for your game. Also investing 200 robux in advertising is a waste… when we invested 2k, we started seeing some results, but they were still small.


Thank you!
I originally made it that way so players would easily notice, but you are definitely right, it’s too big. I’ll make it smaller, and add better thumbnails as soon as I can then

In that case I’ll try to find some way to get more robux that I could invest into the game

What catches a person’s eye is the thumbnail and icon, try getting someone to make a professional icon and thumbnail for you.

Maybe a better name. A catchy one, because DotBlob Simulator isin’t doing it for me.

Do you have any suggestions perhaps?

There’s nothing to do if you’re the only person in the server.
It’s not a good idea to solely rely on people playing together, especially if the game doesn’t have a consistent playerbase.

I would suggest adding more active NPCs. Only the boss and it’s spawn movie around, the smaller green blobs don’t seem to be doing anything.

Multiplayer seems to be working well, so that’s good.

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I feel like this type of game requires a decent amount of people in a server at once in order to really be enjoyable. Only sponsoring with 200 robux, gaining 122 clicks in 24 hours is not really enough to fill up a server. That averages out to a little over 1 click per 11 minutes. I think most people would leave within 11 minutes of playing by themselves.

I would suggest dropping a higher bid than just 200 robux. I’m sure you spent a decent amount of time and effort making the game so most likely you could spend a fraction of that trying to earn a bit more robux to sponsor with (asking friends, family, working, etc.).

In the end it could be a waste of even more robux, but I personally feel that you need to get more players in a single server at once in order to have a fighting chance with this game. Once you do that, you will have a better idea of if the game is sustainable or not. Having a larger concurrent playerbase would help you find more bugs as well as build a community. Do whatever you can to try and fill a server, whether that be staying in there chatting with the people who join or asking your friends to join while you run the sponsor.

I hope this helps at all and good luck!

Also, I think I can hear everyone else’s collecting sound even when they are far away.


this may sound crazy but make the game compatible with mobile because a good part of roblox’s players are mobile i will show you a pictures of my stats when i sponsored my game


i got more impressions on mobile than on pc even though i bid more on pc

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Thank you very much for your response, I will definitely think of more single player elements to add to the game!

Sadly my game isn’t compatible with mobile, and I don’t really have a way of testing it as I don’t own any phones that can run roblox. But thank you, I’ll try it in the future when I get access to one

I see… then, I will take a bit of a risk and try spending a larger amount to see if it would be enough to keep players fighting each other. With the 1265 I have right now, the sponsor should be able to get me 1 player every 2 minutes, which should be enough to keep them entertained :smiley:

Thank you very much for your response, it was very informative.

Also I will take care of the plopping sound, originally it was made that way as the camera went too high for the sound to be heard, but I can now see that it’s actually more annoying than useful

ill test with you i have a phone

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No problem.

Just keep in mind that it may still fail and most games do; However, it will help show you if you really do have a retention problem due to the gameplay itself or some other problem like performance/lag, bugs, etc. I think it’s important you find this out as soon as possible so that you can focus on the things that need improvement the most.


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